Tuesday, May 18, 2010

24 (TV Series)

1.  It's time to put Jack Bauer (and this series) to rest.
This year is a sad one for multiple shows.  3 of my faves will be taken out back and put down.  24, Heroes and LOSTHeroes deserves to be put down.  The creators had something special and ran it into the ground.  Multiple times.  I don't want to get into LOST.  That would be a 10 page blog entry and I may cry.  On to 24.

I missed last night's episode due to my in-laws being in town and being just plain busy.  It was recorded, though.  As I was firing up the DVR this morning, a thought runs through my head. "Did I see last week's episode?"  I could not remember watching it.  However, each episode has a two minute "recap" before the actual new episode starts so you can follow what is going on.  At the end of the recap, it shows last week's ending.  I had seen it, but had forgotten about it in less that 5 days.  And this leads me to why it is a good time for 24 to end.

Last week's ending was SHOCKING and DISTURBING!  Jack is interrogating a bad guy. In doing so, he realizes the baddie has swallowed some extremely valuable intel.  So, on top of Jack going rogue.....torturing this guy to near death.....he now GUTS THIS GUY LIKE A FISH!  With a 3 inch knife! While he is alive!  The next scene shows Jack holding a SIM card from a cell phone.  That's what he "retrieved" from that dude's innards!

And I FORGOT that scene in less than 5 days!  After 8 season, you cannot shock me, 24.  Oh look, Jack is using illegal methods to extract data from a suspect. (Yawn)  Wait, the President is behind the conspiracy?? (what?)  Look, there is a mole in CTU!?! (eyes roll)  Jack's filleting a suspect to get a microchip out of his gut. (just another day at the office, Jack)  Thank you, 24.  You have desensitized me.

24 has run its course.  Great series.  Ground breaking when it came out.  There have been some great seasons, but Jack has run out of steam.  I kinda hope that Jack meets his demise at the end of this season.  It would be fitting and deserving.  Jack has served his country well, but has made many transgressions.  However, they won't kill him off.  Specially, when there are talks of a Jack Bauer movie in development.

Farewell, Jack.

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