Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Catch-up (Vol. 2)

Hey there, minions.  This is my second entry about catching up the readers (that's you!) from when I was last  blogging somewhat regularly.  So, there is a second child in this house now.  Back in July 2011, he was just a glint in my eye.  Oliver Emile was born on July 17th, 2012.  And he is one happy baby.  He also likes to sleep a lot more than H-dogg ever did when he was an infant.

This is one fresh baby...right out of the....
Henry has been pretty fantastic with him, as well.  He is quite the mature little kid when it comes to being gentle with Olly.

Time has gone by fast, too.  He seems much stronger than when Henry was that age.  Although, we may have had something to do with that.  I feel like with Henry, we really had no idea what we were doing.  This time around....seems to be going much smoother.  On the other hand, Olly did bake a few weeks longer than Henry.  That could of played a part in it. 

As I am writing, Oliver is 21 weeks old.  A week away from 5 months.  I took this picture today.  Please, enjoy it.

The Catch-Up (Vol.1)

So, I am really behind.  Just saw that my last random post was in January about making mead.  I just assumed I had been writing constantly up until that point.  That is not the case.  The blog actually dried up in July 2011.  Fantastic.  Also, that last picture of Henry on this blog is super cute..but he looks like a baby in it.  He still hadn't slimmed down at that point.  Crazy.

What have ya'll done with your lives without this blog in existence?!?!  I mean, other than pester me about how you should start writing again. And by "pester", I mean beg me and offer me gifts to start writing.  Fine, MOM!  I will start writing again!

Let's start with Henry.  As of right now, he is 2.5 years old.  He loves superheroes.  His faves are Spider-Man, Batman and the Hulk.  Halloween 2011, he was Thor.  Halloween 2012, he was Spider-Man.

The Webslinger
Henry also loves music.  He loves dancing and singing.  Currently, he loves "Gangnam Style."  He constantly is doing the riding the horse dance move.  He cracks us up around the house, because he always has to make his angry face when he "rides the horse."  Also, in the mornings when he wakes me, I usually just throw him in bed with us.  He will lay next to me and just start humming songs.  Right into my ear.  And it is non-stop until I get out of bed.

More to come, I promise.