That about says it all. For Ape's birthday, I had given her an iPad 2. Yes, her birthday is in 2 weeks. Yes, I gave it to her last Monday. Why? I thought she could get some good use out of it on our trip to New Orleans. It had nothing to do with me not wanting to play Angry Birds or Cut The Rope in secrecy...for 3 weeks. Nothing to do with that, let me assure you. Well, turns out it was a good idea. This past Friday, April and I were getting ready to leave our beautiful son with Granny for the weekend. So, of course we had to show off the new toy. While I am showing off the camera and video function....this is what happens.
Henry's first steps!!! I find it amazing that April and I have been horrible at using a camcorder to document Henry growing up. However, I have the camera rolling at just the right moment. Ape's reaction is fantastic and forever on the INTERWEB!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, watch the video again....and just watch the proud mommy. Classic.
Sorry for the large black areas. Turns out you should hold the iPad on its side to get a letterbox style and not hold it upright. I'll get better at it.